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Live Recorder

CDs and Books

Listen to my introduction?
Live Recorder 1
Live Recorder 2
Live Recorder 3
Teacher's Introduction
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Learning recorder using a revolutionary teaching method - Cds and books

Live Recorder is a revolutionary new way of teaching music through the recorder to complete beginners. It is designed to be used by all teachers - especially those who think they can't teach music! It's different! It's fun! And it works!

The core of Live Recorder is a CD of original accompaniments which make even the simplest one-note tune sound marvellous and a 64 page book which guides the teacher through the process of learning to read and play music.

Book One teaches just five musical notes (B, A, G, C' and D') - all only using the left hand fingers - but by the end of it you will be able to cope with a variety of different time signatures and rhythms. In other words you will be musically literate!

Live Recorder Books Two and Three, also with CD accompaniments, build on these foundations, using familiar tunes and specially written songs to teach new notes and rhythm patterns.

Want to find out more?

Text copyright © James McCafferty 2000 Photographic images copyright © John Credland and James McCafferty 2000